About Ayanna
Always Evolving

From Loosing myself to finding Ayanna.
Hello sweetie! My name is Ayanna Zahra. The Creator and CEO of this beautiful community and company, AYANNA DENISE SKIN. I want to take you on my journey. Because, you may relate to what I have gone through as a woman, married woman, mother, divorced, single mother, loosing myself, finding myself, growing, and even falling.

Before I found Ayanna
When I was Designing Clothing for a major retailer (First letter is a D), I traveled the world! Being a Designer was a super stressful job. But, it supported my FAVORITE past-time, INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL. I am also a Writer, by default. So, I carried this little RED BOOK around the globe with me for research and studies. Who knew this lil' red book was also my magnifying glass into the holistic world of human and earth studies. Not me.

Life was great. Then it began lifin'
After years of traveling and living in Asia (yes, I've probably been there. So, just ask me. I love to chat about it.), I returned to the U.S., married, new mothering, and slowly falling into a very low mental state. Soon, I was too low to get up by myself. This was extremely disorienting. Have you ever felt like this? Do you remember my lil' red book?

This is my "who am I" era jump off
When I say I cried constantly, I mean that. I cried when a love song came on. I was in a one way marriage of receiving lies and abandonment, which poured over to my young daughter, Queen. Do I stay in a toxic marriage? Or, do I cut this nightmare short and save myself? I got out, but the affects of marrying a narcissist are extremely damaging. I had no confidence. I forgot who I was. Everything seemed unsafe. Plus, as the woman/wife, I was made to feel as if everything was my fault. Oh, my tears needed sanctuary... I began reading over my RED BOOK entries. I made an oil for my daughter and I. I used it on our scalp and skin. Soon, I gave 1oz plastic vials filled with my magic oil away like candy. My bestie, Bohdana, said to me, "You are going to sell this oil and I am buying your first bottle." (hidden gem; always keep good girlfriends near you. They will save you in ways you just cannot save yourself.)

The Healer emerges...
It took years after I sold that 1st bottle of "oil tbd" to Bohdana to begin trusting the knowledge Creator had shown me and the gifts my hands held. However, I began cash and carry at shopping center kiosks, markets, events, and festivals in Georgia. My ancestral supported self-confidence emerged. a little before 2020, as I became the only New Mexico based Holistic Skin Therapist in a world of cosmetic quick fixes. AYANNA DENISE SKIN was born. I decided to trust in my unique skills, ancestral knowledge, and Creator. My intelligent, discerning customers look for me as their attention to knowledge, wellness, and self-care is priority over quick fixes and long-term damage. You keep me focussed and motivated to dig deeper. You ask me the questions you never had the freedom or space to ask before now. You are safe here and our community of like-minded humans are growing and healing, deeper than skin. I am honored that you trust me with your skin. -Ayanna Zahra

The 4 Skin Types that you should know (and will make so many things make sense).
Some of us were born with Eczema or Skin Sensitivities.
Otherwise, the skin you are born with directly link with your genetics.
Unlearn European exclusive terms, like dry, oily, combination, and aging.
Learn your Skin's BLUEPRINT, and open up a world of understanding, skin love, and empowerment!